One of my favourite things about blogging is that it allows me to let my creativity run free.
Lately, there is no ceiling to what bloggers can do. Building storefronts online, opening design service, publishing e-books and e-courses, and participating in a long list of networking and conferences.
And that’s only the surface!
As a blogger running several blogs at the same time (hey, I’m a blog flipper, btw), I find that I sometimes overwhelm myself with the amount of opportunities that are in front of me. And every now and then, that overwhelming feeling takes a toll on my creativity 🙁
Over the last months or so (or I should say during the lockdowns), I’ve found some neat ways to help keep my creativity going. So I today I would share them with you!
How to Stay Creative while Blogging
1. Just start
Well, since it’s said, “it’s better done than perfect”, you just have to start your stuff before thinking twice. Let your thoughts run freely on your paper (or laptop, or whatever you’re using).
You can always do the editing job later.
2. Try something outside of your comfort zone
You never know what trying something new will bring!
Post a photograph of yourself that you wouldn’t normally share with your readers, share a personal stories that they have never read anywhere on your blog (but make sure you don’t share TIM – too much information), contact a company that you’ve wanted to work with for a while, or send your fellow bloggers a complimentary.
This will be fun!
3. Keep organised
Sometimes the most stressful aspect of blogging is time management.
From my experience, keep yourself organised with calendars, to-do lists, or reminders, or whatever works best for you, will help a lot!
4. Make use of sticky notes
You know those random, one-off thoughts that pop up on the walk between your apartment and transit stop, or during your daily commute to work?
Jot. Them. Down!
I just need my Samsung Notes (an app that comes along with any Samsung), as well as a small notebook to keep my creativity thrive.
5. Take photos
As a travel blogger, I always have my Olympus Pen-LITE with me since it’s very light-weighted and compact to fit in my small pouch every time I go out. However, you don’t need a camera to do the job.
Make the most of your smartphone by using it to snap a capture of whatever that inspires you, or an idea that you want to keep for later.
6. Surround yourself with creativity
There are so many ways to indulge yourself in creativity, really.
Listen to a new or old favourite songs, enjoy a beautifully shot movie, or print out your favourite inspirational Pin, and post it over your workspace.
Simple as!
7. Don’t work too hard
I know that it sounds weird, but let the flow of your natural creativity tell you when it may be a good idea to take it a little easier.
Trying to blog, or to do anything that needs your creativity to thrive, while burnt out is tiring, and it may even impact the overall quality of your work!